Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Farm update.....

Lots has happened, and I mean a lot...since we arrived at the farm after my retirement.  I guess really, a lot was happening before that, I just didn't see it.  But that's another story.  I'll just come on out and say it.  We're done....we're done with the farm.  God gave us that farm for a very specific reason, which Erin and I are well aware of now.  He wanted us to own it for such a short time to show us something, mainly me, that I'd been missing for several years....God wanted to show me something, someone..and I'll leave it at that.  We know, and that's what is important.  Naysayers will say I told you so, and we're ok with that.  We know how it looks on the surface, but only a few know inside, God's true plan with that.  I won't lie, I love the idea of homesteading, but honestly we also bit off way more than both of us could chew.  We just went "too" deep, too off grid.  But hey, when have we ever done anything small right.  I know many of you will have questions, and I'm not trying to be mean, but you'll just need to learn to live without the answers.  Just live knowing that God's will is being done and all the Glory is His.  We don't think of this as a failure, in fact just the opposite.  God has His tools, some bigger than others, this was a very big life lesson.  I'm thankful for the experience, thankful for the friends I made out there, and thankful that He gave us the farm for His reason.
     What's next you may ask...We'll let you know when we find out.  We aren't going back to the farm.  I mean I'll go back eventually to pack and move things again, don't know when though.  I'm sure I'll go back to take care of some business.  But for now, we're on the road.  Enjoying some time together as Husband and Wife, and a family.  Visiting with friends and family and just listening to God.  I guess you could consider us Nomads for now, but that's ok...We will keep this blog, along with it's name, "Our Side of the fence"  Cause it still fits us and our life...we just have a movable fence now.  We look forward to our next adventure, heck we're on one now...Keep us in prayer that we'll continue to seek God and He'll continue to bless our family as we travel.

Ciao` for now....

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The "Big Move" Pt 1


    So we're on the eve of the first day of the "big move".  Confused...the packers are coming tomorrow, and I don't mean from Greenbay.  The moving company guesstimated us around 15k pounds, yeah, lots of junk.  So it's a 2 day pack and a one day pickup.  It's nice the Navy takes care of all this for us, and I've only had one bad experience with a move before (theft).  In about 14 hours, our already chaotic home will be full of at least 3 total and complete, bonded, strangers.  Armed with a gazillion tons of packing paper, 72 miles of celophane tape, and a box in every imaginable size, they'll descend upon us in the morning with one goal in mind.  Total and complete wrapping, boxing, inventorying, and packing every conceivable item in this house.  Hopefully the cat will stay out of their way, I've heard stories of pets getting packed.  We've had them pack a bag of trash from the bathroom before.

My retirement gift from Erin.  Well actually I got my bike for
retirement, this was something for me to open now.
We've done about as much as we can to prepare, well not really but what are you gonna do.  The fuel tanks of the mowers are drained, the tent garage is down, all the chickens are in their new temporary traveling coop for the long ride to TN.  The house will be in utter chaos the next few days, but then again, when isn't it.  After the pickup on Friday we head to Va Beach to stay at Sheila's for the weekend.  We're hitting Busch Gardens on Saturday, yeah Memorial Day weekend, so pray for our patience.  Next week we prepare for the retirement ceremony.  The script is fine tuned, all my major players are good to go, reservations at the hotel made.  I've got my good bye luncheon with my brothers and sisters in the Mess on Tuesday, picking up Nate at the airport on Wed, along with my DD-214, rehearsal on Thursday, big event on Friday.  Saturday to recoup, then Sunday dark and early we hit the road.

More to follow.....

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Coolest thing about spring, EVERYTHING WAKES UP! The kids & I just went for a run, well, I ran & they walked, down a wooded dirt road across the street from our house. We stopped to play @ a huge decomposing log that's been there for the 3 years we've lived here. While I stretched out, the kids started tearing into the decaying wood. Tons of skinks & one sleepy toad fell out. Piper immediately captured the toad, named him Chester, and oohed & ahhed when Chester started to chirp. She then began to explain the difference between reptiles & amphibians to me, and that toads close their eyes to swallow because it pushes the food down their throat. She also reminded me that toads excrete a fluid that tastes terrible to predators that try to eat it. We also talked about the importance that the fallen log had for the creatures around it, creating a whole new habitat. Luke then found a tick (ick) in the grass and told me that although ticks are arachnids, like spiders, they're not the same. Science for today ~ DONE! 
Cutter, who is a huge lizard fan, named his skink Cleveland after Groover Cleveland. He then proceeded to tell me that he remembered that Groover Cleveland was the only president re-elected for non-consecutive terms. He thought that was cool. History for today ~ DONE! 

My kids have played in the sun, breathed in fresh country air, touched just a few of God's fascinating creations, laughed & asked questions, and it's not even lunch. So in a few years they may not remember that commas go before conjunctions. But I bet they'll remember that although they look innocent, skinks bite!